Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Spirit

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, I know I did! :) It was a short time at home, I was only able to come home for about a day and a half, but it was a good time with great company! We had a fun time opening gifts and a giggle-filled dinner!! First, we went to Annie's on Christmas eve. We opened presents and then had dinner with lots of good company. Then I helped Annie set up her new iPod and we watched White Christmas :) Then Christmas morning brought more presents and smiles with Dad and Chris. A yummy breakfast and a nap took up most of the day. Then another yummy dinner with tons of people over!! Steph got to join us for Christmas dinner which was nice since she couldn't spend it with her family. Then Steph and I headed back to Chico for work today :( So Christmas is over, no more holiday music on the radio, no more anticipation for the big day and back to the daily grind.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

finally the end of the year...

so this year's end is bittersweet for me. i am done with finals this semester and i'm getting a lot of hours at work so that is a relief and a blessing. my personal life on the other hand, is falling apart. my bf and i broke up and its killing me! i still love him and i hate being apart from him. i tried dealing with it by staying in my sweats and not getting out of bed for a day or so, i tried watching tv and hanging with my roomie (which did lift my spirits a little), i tried getting drunk and swearing him off (that did not work at all!).so i am at a loss, i dont know what to try next. so my holidays r a little less bright this year without him. and i only get a couple of days off work so i wont be home for that long, which is a definite bummer! it doesnt feel like Christmas when im not home for the decorating and the baking and all the fun Christmas stuff. oh well, i will try to make the best of it. im excited to see the fam! i need their support right now! im so grateful to have all of them!