Monday, July 4, 2011

blog much??

Wow, I need to be more consistent with my postings :) Well, it has been almost a year since my last posting, so let's catch up...I have been working on my prerequisite classes for the nursing program and have been doing pretty well in my classes. I have 1 prereq left to take in the fall and a few more history classes to finish up my degree so I will finally be able to graduate with something, even if it is a useless hsitory degree :) Once my last prereq class is completed, I can then begin the application process for some nursing programs. I am applying here in Chico and at schools closer to home and keeping my fingers crossed that I can get in on my first try. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long!
I was promoted to stockroom manager back in February and it has been fun getting familiar with my new position. I love the added responsibility and projects that I get to do!
This summer has been fun so far. I've been playing in the sun and enjoying the outdoors and the company of my amazing friends and family. The first camping trip of the season is in the books, too. We went to Mineral/ Burney Falls this past weekend. What a sight!! The falls were amazing! It was so nice to unplug and remove myself and relax in some cooler weather!!
Well, that's it for now I guess. I'll try to blog more often to keep everyone updated, but dont hold your breath ;) xoxo